Print Publications

Here is a list of my print publications:


German Villages in Crisis: Rural Life in Hesse-Kassel and the Thirty Years War, 1580-1720 (Atlantic Highlands, NJ; Humanities Press International, 1995) [Available from Brill Publishers]

[reviewed in Choice, German Studies Review, Central European History, Sixteenth Century Journal, H-Net German, Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte Literaturbericht, Bulletin of the German Historical Institute, London, Historische Zeitschrift, American Historical Review, German History, Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte]

 A Short  History of Early Modern Europe 1600-1815: Contests for a Reasonable World (Armonk, NY; M.E. Sharpe, 2000) Co-authored with Lisa Rosner [Available from M.E. Sharpe Publishers]


“Community and Herrschaft in the Seventeenth Century German Village,”  The Journal of Modern History 64 (March, 1992) 1-21

“The Rhetoric of Death and Destruction in the Thirty Years War,” Journal of Social History 27 (December, 1993) 271-290

“Jeremiah in the Village: Prophecy, Preaching, Pamphlets, and Penance in the Thirty Years War,” Central European History 27 (1994) 441-460

“Peasant Rhetoric: Persuasion and Dependency in Early Modern Germany,” Carleton Germanic Papers 23 (1995) 65-78

“The Demography of the Thirty Years War Re-Revisited: Günther Franz and his Critics,” German History 11 (1997) 1-21

“Landfrauen, Soldaten und Vergewaltigungen während des Dreißigjährigen Krieges,” Werkstatt Geschichte 19 (1998) 25-39

“‘da er denn mit traurmutigem hertzen gesehen wie jämmerlich daß Dorf über die helfft in die Asche gelegt…’: Die Erfassung und Einordnung lokalen Kriegserfahrungen auf Amtsebene im Dreißigjährigen Krieg,” in Benigna von Krusenstjern and Hans Medick, eds., Zwischen Alltag und Katastrophe: Der Dreißigjährige Krieg aus der Nähe (Göttingen, 1999) 323-342

“The Transnational Dispersal of the Walloon Military Aristocracy in the Era of the Dutch Revolt: The Example of the Tserclaes of Tilly,” in Benjamin Kaplan, Marybeth Carlson, and Laura Cruz, eds., Boundaries and their Meanings in the History of the Netherlands (Leiden, 2009) 95-118

“Vizualizations and Historical Arguments,” in Jack Dougherty and Kristen Nawrotzki, eds., Writing History in the Digital Age Forthcoming from University of Michigan Press. (Ann Arbor, MI, 2014) 173-185 Trinity College (CT) web-book edition, Spring, 2012.

“The Material Conditions of War” in Peter Schroeder and Olaf Asbach, eds., The Ashgate Research Companion to the Thirty Years War (forthcoming, 2014)


Review Articles and Contributions to Encyclopedias

“Review Article: Toward a New Socio-Cultural History of the Rural World in Early Modern Germany?” Central European History 24 (1991) 304-324

“Gustavus II Adolphus Vasa” in James A. Moncure, ed., Research Guide to European Historical Biography (Washington: Beacham Publishing, 1992) 852-860

“Albrecht von Wallenstein” in James A. Moncure, ed., Research Guide to European Historical Biography (Washington: Beacham Publishing, 1992) 1967-1977

“The Early Modern Rural Economy Today: A Review Article,” Sixteenth Century Journal 28 (1997) 143-148

“Review Article: Town, Countryside, and Proto-industrialization in Early Modern Europe” in Journal of Interdisciplinary History 29:2 (1998) 263-272

“Thirty Years’ War,” in  Paul Grendler, ed., Encyclopedia of the Renaissance Vol. 6 (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1999) 131-133

“Social Class System and the Economy,” in Norman J. Wilson, ed., World Eras, Volume 1: European Renaissance and Reformation 1350-1600 (Farmington Mills, MI: Gale Group, 2001) 143-181

“Germany: The Early Modern Period,” in Joel Mokyr, ed., The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History Vol. 2 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2003) 406-409

“Housing,” “Hunting,” and “Salzburg Expulsion” in  Jonathan Dewald, ed. Europe 1450-1789:  Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2004) Vol. 3, 207-214, Vol. 3, 231-235, Vol. 5, 309

And an abundance of book reviews.

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